Are domesticated foxes helping scientists discover how wolves were domesticated into dogs?


           Dogs are the domesticated form of wolves. Many genes were changed when wolves were domesticated. Therefore, scientists made domesticated foxes, to find out what and how these genes were altered. Domesticated foxes are the result of repeating the process of breeding the tamest wild foxes. Although scientists do not know which genes were changed from wolf to dog, it has led them closer to finding out.

First, the idea of making domesticated foxes, came froms Dmitry Belyaev. It started in Siberia, 60 years ago. He was a zoologist, and he was interested in finding out how wolves were domesticated. However, this was not easy, and he needed an animal to test on. He chose foxes as they belong to the group called canids, dog-like carnivorans which include wolves and dogs. Sadly, Dmitry died/passed away before finishing his work. A group of scientists started by creating tests, sticking branches into fox cages. The foxes that were the tamest were chosen to be bred. Today, domesticated foxes make up 70 to 80 percent.

Second, although scientists know which genes were changed to wolves from dogs, they don’t know if those genes are behavior genes. The change from wild foxes to domesticated foxes is easy to tell, for he chose a particular gene to change in the wild foxes friendliness. After the experiment finished, the first domesticated fox was made. The fox was much tamer and affectionate towards humans. However, they were not as friendly as dogs, even though they started to act like them. Now, people can buy them as pets in some states.

Third, a dog lover called David Basset says that foxes were not created the same way as dogs. When wild foxes are domesticated, they will not end up like dogs. Instead, they will end up as domesticated foxes. When scientists domesticated wild foxes, not only did their genes change, but their appearance also changed. Their ears got floppier, their legs shorter, and some domesticated foxes even wagged their tails occasionally. Now, foxes can be trained and played with by owners. Scientists have still not found out how wolves were domesticated.

Domesticated foxes are now while helping scientists uncover the secret of the genes between wolves and dogs. Domesticated foxes are wonderful pets originating from the ideas put forward by Dmitry Belyaev. Scientists are still trying to find out how wolves were domesticated as they continue to create tamer foxes. They are certainly much tamer than wild foxes, but they are not trained to live inside; so you can have them as pets, but they will be tough to take care of. However, domesticated foxes are one of the most popular pets in most states.

Wagner, A. (2017). “Why domesticated foxes are genetically fascinating (and terrible pets).” PBS News Hour. 31 Mar. 2017,…/domesticated-foxes-genetically…
“Wild Foxes as House Pets? (n.d.)” abc News.19 Mar. 2013,…/wild-foxes-house-pets-18760822