Humanity on trial

As Araceli walked back home, she suddenly heard an eerie sound that came from up above. When she looked up, she saw a UFO hovering above her. It was shiny, shaped like an egg, with emerald stripes decorating a pointy object on it. Araceli’s eyes widened her eyes. She had seen UFOs in on TV shows a number of times, but none in real life. Suddenly, she heard a whirring sound, and sparkles of light fell on her. As she covered her eyes, she felt herself being dragged up by an invisible force into the UFO.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a strange room. It was decorated with shining lights and mirrors, and there was a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Piles of paper poured on top of the tables. Araceli walked to the tables, about to flip one of the papers to find out what was written on it when she heard a loud voice yelling, “DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!!!” Araceli jumped. She turned around to find three weird men wearing a glowing blue suits. They had strange purple tails on their backs, and they had ears that looked like fox ears. “There is nothing to be scared of.” One of them said. “You are an Earthling?” The second asked. “Yes. You are an alien, right?” Araceli replied. The three aliens looked at each other, surprised. “Very smart.” one of them said. “She is also brave. She does not cower in fear.” “Do you like plants and animals?” the third asked. “Yes, very much! I love all of them!” Araceli answered.

“Very, very different from what we heard about them.” The three muttered to each other. “Do you like planet Earth?” One of them asked. “Yes, very much. It is beautiful and fantastic and- ”

“But humans are trying to destroy Earth with wars and bombs and invasions and they are also hurting plants and animals, killing them, in fact!” One alien interrupted sharply. “If such a person were able to come to space due to the scientific development that is taking place on your planet and started wars in space, it would be a disaster for us. So, we are thinking about destroying Earth before that can happen before they can come in.”

“Please don’t do that!!” Araceli cried. “Although there are lots of bad people who are destroying Earth, there are also good people who also like nature, like me! I’m sure people will stop doing wars and try to find a way to live peacefully when I am an adult!”

The three aliens nodded. “I see.” They one of them said. “Well, we will come back here when you are an adult, and then we will decide on whether I will choose to destroy Earth or leave it as it is. I suppose we can wait but for now, consider yourself and humanity to be on trial.” Then, everything suddenly went black, and before Araceli could speak, she was already standing on the exact road she was walking on before.

The End
